All Moonlight and Roses

DIYs are not always the easiest for me. Because of that, I typically try and stray away from anything on Pinterest that requires too much handiwork, knowing I won't like the way it turns out if I attempt to do it myself. However, after my boyfriend surprised me with flowers the day before he left for college, I got the perfect moment for a DIY that I knew I could pull off. 
DIY dried out roses placed in a shadow box. It was perfect. And since my flowers were perfectly dried out, and shadow boxes were on sale at Michael's this weekend, I had to act. After picking Cristian up from the airport, I took a quick trip to Michael's to get the supplies I needed. The reason this Pinterest project was so easy? All I needed was the $10 shadow box. 
The only thing I had to do was trim the roses off of their stems, open the frame, and strategically place the flowers where I wanted them. Then, after popping the back on again, I was done! It was that easy.
To make mine uniquely my own, I was able to add a sticker from my Create 365 sticker books, and now it truly looks like exactly what I wanted. 
It is a timeless, very simple, and sentimental piece that I completed in less than 5 minutes. I love the way it looks, and for anyone looking to add an extra piece of decor to their wall, I highly recommend. 

FYI, the roses look a little weird now, but it says to leave it open a little while for the roses to finish drying out! I simply put this together for the picture, and I'm continuing to let them air out now. 


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