Little Things
As I laid in my bed having finished work and chores for the day and mindlessly scrolling through all forms of social media, I sent my sister a text.
"Can I ride with you to go get Jackson and we can stop at Chick-Fil-A or maybe Sonic on the way back? I'll pay."
In all honesty I was bored and just a little thirsty. But her response changed the entire course of the day.
"Sure that's fine, but after I picked him up I was gonna take the boys to the park. Is that okay?"
A free moment to take pictures of some cute kids? Yeah. It was okay.
With the weather having cooled off, it wasn't bad to chase them around as they experimented with all of the different pieces of the jungle gym.
Jackson even decided the workout equipment on the other side of the sidewalk looked like it needed played with too.
Brooks wanted to explore everything too, but didn't find much enjoyment in the swings.
We only stayed for about 20 minutes, because while it had cooled off compared to the scorching summer days, we still needed the sun to be hid behind some clouds for it to be the perfect outdoor day. But it was a nice treat for Jackson after crazy hair day at school, nice for Brooks to run around and use up all of his energy, which in turn meant it was a good trip for me and Sarah.
---xoxo, Bryn Mar
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